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  • Welcome to Matt Ryan Daily, your official fansite for actor Matt Ryan. Best known for his role as John Constantine in DCTV. You'll find all the latest news, high quality photos and media on Matt. Check out the site and please come back soon.
    written by mouza on Tuesday, October 07 2014

    Video: 4 New Constantine Promos

    written by mouza on Sunday, October 05 2014

    Video: New Constantine Promo – Seeking Redemption

    written by mouza on Friday, October 03 2014

    Photos: New Constantine Pilot Stills

    I’ve uploaded +20 HQ episode stills from Constantine’s pilot. You can check them out by clicking on the thumbnails below:


    written by mouza on Sunday, September 28 2014

    Scans: EW’s Comic Book Club

    Thanks to Ashley, I’ve uploaded 1 digital scan of Matt’s in next week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly. You can check it out by clicking on the preview below:


    written by mouza on Friday, September 26 2014

    News: Matt Ryan is One of Fall TV Obsessions

     Get ready to fall in love with Matt Ryan.

    Ryan stars as John Constantine on NBC’s new fall show, Constantine, and he’s pretty much the absolute perfect choice to play the sarcastic, dangerous and doomed master of the dark arts.

    When NBC announced that it was getting into the comic book show game like every other network, fans of DC Comics popular series Hellblazer were psyched to find out that the peacock, partnered with Warner Bros. TV, was moving forward withConstantine, a show based on the comic book character at the center of the franchise. But we all knew that casting the complex and enigmatic lead role of Constantine would make or break the entire show. (Don’t even get us started onKeanu Reeves‘ version of Constantine. Just don’t.)

    So thank goodness NBC found Welsh actor Ryan. In the pilot alone, he managed to infuse the fan-favorite character with the right balance of confidence and bravado mixed with self-loathing and grief that make up who the complicated character is.

    You see, Constantine has had a rough time when the pilot picks up. Like so many times in the comics, he failed to save someone close to him, and the knowledge that their soul is currently doomed to hell for eternity because of a mistake he made is eating him up inside. But he hides his inner turmoil, covering it up with snarky comments and sarcastic jokes in his signature deadpan humor any chance he gets. He’s tired of his job as a supernatural detective and protector, and yet he knows he has to do it for the greater good. He’s trapped in this life, doomed in his own way.

    With any other actor, Constantine would have ended up feeling like yet another reluctant hero, or just a chance for some good-looking actor to brood in a campy supernatural adventure. But Ryan pours so much emotionpain, hope, regret, grief, desperationinto the titular character that you feel what he feels. You’re hooked from the moment you look into his world-weary eyes. [More at source]

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