During his appearance on Wizard World New Orleans last weekend, Matt gave a small interview to the guys at The Week in Geek Radio show. Matt’s segment starts at 46:40.
News: “Adverse” to open in Porto International Film Festival 2020
Matt’s upcoming movie “Adverse” will be the opening night screening of Porto International Film Festival 2020. The news was announced yesterday on the festival’s official website and was tweeted by the movie’s twitter page.
Excited to premiere and open the Fantasporto Film Festival in Portugal for Adverse!
Rated by Variety – top 25 festivals in the world with premieres/screenings by Quentin Tarantino, Ridley Scott, Peter Jackson and more.https://t.co/SHPLutPpN6#fantasporto #adversethefilm— adversethefilm (@adversethefilm) January 8, 2020
Gallery Update: Heart of Lightness (2014)
Happy Holidays everyone!
I was able to finally track down one of Matt’s older projects to update the gallery with. Heart of Lightness (2014) was an independent movie about 8 British actors and a narcoleptic director travel to the Norwegian Arctic Circle to film Henrik Ibsen’s play ‘The Lady From The Sea’. The movie was available for a while on Amazon Prime but was removed a while ago, but you can stream/purchase it to support the filmmaker on Vimeo.
Matt’s screentime was about 5 minutes so I had to overcap his scenes. I’ve updated the gallery with an HQ still of Matt and 720p screencaptures, enjoy!

Site Update: Matt Ryan Daily Celebrates 5 Years Online!
July 27 is upon us again and I can’t believe it’s the site’s 5th anniversary!
It’s been 5 years since I started the website and it feels like yesterday .
I’d like to send a shout out to everyone who’s been with us the last few years, the familiar names I keep seeing in my twitter notification that I appreciate more than I can let through.
To celebrate the site’s anniversary, I’ve put up a new layout on the site thanks to my awesome friend Jasper, hope you guys like it as much I do!

And make sure to follow us on twitter for a few goodies that I’ll be sharing in a few.